I inherited my DNN implementation and am in the process of doing an upgrade of all components (framework, projects, vendor ADD ons). I needed a way to identify every page(tabid) in my installation and know what modules were installed in which content panes... I needed this information by tab name and by the real module name (so I could identify whether it came from the framework, a project, or a vendor). I put the following query together and placed its results into a spreadsheet for further sorting as necessary. Maybe someone has the same challenge and it will save them some time. Peter
FROM [DB_2130].[dbo].[Modules] m
join [DB_2130].[dbo].[ModuleDefinitions] md
on (m.moduledefid = md.moduledefid)
join [DB_2130].[dbo].[Desktopmodules] dm
on (md.desktopmoduleid = dm.desktopmoduleid)
join [DB_2130].[dbo].[tabmodules] tm
on (m.moduleid = tm.moduleid)
join [DB_2130].[dbo].[tabs] t
on (t.tabid = tm.tabid)
ORDER BY t.tabid, md.moduledefid