Edit : You can find the latest ones on Github. An update process has been granted beetween these versions. The following post still applies to these more recent (and recommanded) versions of Store.
Before you download the source package, you should consider reading the templating guide. Store has a powerfull 3-level hierarchical templating architecture. Many adaptations that would require changing the code for another module, can be done by configuration with Store.
Given that several questions concerning the sources of the module return regularly, I will detail you how to install your development platform correctly. Follow step by step this procedure and you will have an installation ready to use with the debug mode! I advise you to use a separate instance of DNN and a database reserved for the development. For my part, I have three instances and three databases. I’m using one for the development (DNN 4.4.1 with sources), and two other to make my tests of installation and operation. One DNN 4.4.1 instance without sources and one instance with the last DNN version available. That allows to make sure not to have forgotten anything, particularly in the .dnn file and the .sqlprovider files! This said, you do as you want.
EDIT: From the version 02.01.37, DNN 4.6.2 OR ABOVE WITH SOURCES IS REQUIRED !
I have made the choice to use DNN 4.4.1 WITH SOURCES for wider compatibility; you will have to make some as much at least for your first installation. On the other hand, you can use any newer DotNetNuke 4.x or 5.x version WITH sources. Moreover, given that I converted the solution to the WAP model you must IMPERATIVELY use VS2005 Pro with SP1 or above (not Web Express) EDIT: Now you can use Visual Studio Web Express 2008 (free product, thanks to Microsoft) WITH SP1 to modify WAP projects. OK let’s go!
1. Install a clean DNN instance for development purpose only
- Install DNN (DotNetNuke_4.4.1_Source.zip) inside the folder C:\DotNetNuke_2. Name your virtual folder DotNetNuke_2 in IIS. In other words, the names which indicates official documentation! See DotNetNuke Installation Guide.pdf for details.
- Check the correct operation of DNN.
If you DO NOT use C:\DotNetNuke_2 as installation folder and DotNetNuke_2 as virtual folder name, then you have to edit the solution file BEFORE open it in VS!
2. Install the Store module with sources
- Download the file Store_03.xx.xx_Source.zip.
- Install it like any other DNN module (Host > Module Definitions (or Extensions in recent DNN versions) > Install New Module).
3. Prepare your Store
NOTE: DO NOT PLACE ALL MODULES ON ONE PAGE! This cannot work, one more times: please follow my advices, it will save you time and frustration!
- Create a new tab and name it Store, define access to everybody.
- Create a new tab and name it My Account, define access to everybody.
- Create a new tab and name it Store Admin. Restrict access to Admin Group only.
- Place the module Store Admin inside ContentPane.
- Define your own store settings (Store Name, Description, ...).
- For the Store Page setting, select Store (the tab created at step 3.1).
- For the Shopping Cart Page setting, select My Account (the tab created at step 3.2).
- At the begining, it's a good idea to use the the EmailProvider as Gateway, but it's not a requirement.
- Note that the two other providers (PayPal and Authorize) require additional parameters and a valid account on their respective web site.
- Click on Update.
- Expand Tax Administration, check Enable Tax, define a Tax Rate and click on Update Tax Settings if you use tax prices for your store.
- Expand Shipping Administration
- IT'S A REQUIREMENT TO DEFINE AT LEAST ONE SHIPPING COST! Then, define this minimun shipping cost:
- Description = S1
- Min. Weight = 0
- Max Weight = 99999
- Cost = 0
- Click on Add
- Go to the My Account tab. Place the module Store Account inside ContentPane.
- Go to the Store tab.
- Place the module Store Menu inside LeftPane.
- Place the module Store Catalog inside ContentPane.
- Place the module Store Mini Cart inside ContentPane.
Now you have an instance of DNN with the Store module installed (with minimum settings defined) in operating condition.
4. Open the solution
- Open Windows Explorer
- Go to the folder: C:\DotNetNuke_2\Website\DesktopModules\Store
- Double click on the solution file: DotNetNuke.Store.sln
If you followed all my instructions, the solution must open without error, and you must be able to build it!
Some complementary details about the solution:
- Each project contains post compilation macros being used to copy certains files into special folders. The folder ...\DesktopModules\Store\Store_02.00.00_Install is used to receive the files necessary to the creation of the principal PA (Store_02.xx.yy_Install.zip). After having modified the code and having tested your modifications, change to release mode via the configuration manager. Rebuild the solution. Make a zip with contents of this folder for produce your new PA. The folder ...\DesktopModules\Store\Store_02.00.00_SkinObjects has the same goal for the skin objects PA (Store_02.xx.yy_SkinObjects_Install.zip). Edit: This folder is no longer used with recnet Store versions, because SkinObjects are automaticaly installed with the Store module.
- The project pointing on your instance of DNN (http://localhost/DotNetNuke_2) is used for two things. First of all, it has references towards the other projects of the solution. In fact, when a project is modified and compiled, the DLL and debugging files are automatically copied in the bin folder of the instance. On the other hand, this project is never generated. It is normal! If you have modifications to carry out in the code of DNN, rather use the solution provided with the DNN sources. In the second place, it is used as starting project. EDIT: Please read this blog post for details.
Good coding!