Ultra Image Slideshow 4.0 - Buy it now
This is a 19-in-1 dnn module which fully based DHTML and JavaScript. It capable of producing a multitude of image slideshows including:
1 : Ajax Light Box Image Album View demo
Ajax Light Box Image Album is a integration of the well know Ajax lightbox script. If you set album link url to image files(gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png) , click it will overlay images on the current page. You can control album list roll/image widht/image height and other settings for for tweaking both behavior and appearance.
This feature can also take effect to other content of the same page..
2:Simple Image Album View demo
Simple Image Album wokrs as the same with Ajax Light Box Image Album except the light box effect. Album has image/title/caption and link url property. You can control whether to show them. You can also control album list roll/image widht/image height and other settings for tweaking both behavior and appearance.
3: Flipping Book View demo
As the name loosely implies, Flipping Book is an image slideshow that simulates a page being turned to reveal two new slides at once. Some other impressive features of this slideshow are:
:Slideshow can be set to either flip horizontally or vertically.
:Each image can have an optional link associated with it.
:Slideshow pauses on mouseover. .............

4: Carousel View demo
Carousel supports vertical and horizontal scrolling, optional linking, title attributes, configurable visible sides, and more..

5: Frog Jump Gallery View demo
Frog Jump Gallery is sequential image gallery that supports an optional description and link for each image. You view the images in sequence, by clicking on the previous and next images' thumbnail. Each image slide is defined as regular HTML contained within a special DIV tag on the page, making it extremely easy to set up, including its corresponding description and link..

6: Conveyor Belt View demo
This cross browser image slideshow scrolls the containing images in a "conveyor belt" fashion. Images can be set to click through to various URLs, and when the mouse moves over the "belt", it pauses for the visitor to interact.

7: Flexible View demo
A quick breakdown of its features:
;Images within the slideshow do not have to be of the same dimensions.
;Script preloads all participating images.
:Each image within slideshow can be optionally hyperlinked.
:A text description can be optionally added beneath any image within slideshow.
:A background color can be added to slideshow.............
8: Swiss Army View demo
Swiss Army slideshow is an incredibly versatile image slideshow script. It supports a myriad of features, from manual image cycling, fade effect between images, to accompanying text description beneath each slide, linking, and more. It's a swiss army alright!.
9: Left Right View demo
Left Right slideshow displays a gallery of images from left to right, one at a time, and pauses between each image. You can even hyperlink the images should you wish
10: Up Down View demo
Up Down slideshow scrolls upwards, pausing between images. The images do NOT have to be of the same dimensions. Not only that, you can make each image hyperlinked, should you wish.
11:Fade In View demo
Fade In slideshow provides the ability to display multiple slideshows on the same page, optional linking and link targeting for certain images, and the ability to randomize the display order of the images. You can also set the slideshow to pause when the mouse moves over it.
12: Blend In View demo
Blend In slideshow rotates among many images. Each time the image changes, so does the link associated with it. IE 4+ users will also see a special "blend-in" effect take place each time the image switches.
13: Drop In View demo
This is your regular image slideshow, except each image is "dropped" into view! A classic effect that works in all major browsers. The slideshow stops rotating when the mouse is over it, and you can initiate multiple drop-in slideshows on the same page. Drop your images like they're hot!
14: Presentational View demo
Presentational slideshow displays and rotates images in a "presentational", left right sliding manner. Images can be individually set to be linked or not.
15: Pixelating View demo
This is your regular hyperlinked image slideshow, except in IE5.5 that is. Thanks to new multimedia effects introduced in the browser, the participating images are "pixelated" into view in IE5.5. A great cross browser script with a discriminating zest.
16: Translucent View demo
Translucent slideshow doesn't just display images, showcase them in style using this sleek image slideshow script! Images are animated in from the left edge, with a translucent effect applied during the process. Each image can be independently hyperlinked and with its own link target. Very cool, very practical.
17: Multiple Frame View demo
Most image slideshows display only one image at a time, making it very cumbersome for your visitors to go through them in cases where there's a long list of images to show. Well, this image slideshow supports "multiple frames", so you can display more than one image at once. Specify exactly the # of frames, and whether to horizontally or vertically position the slideshow. This script works in IE5+, NS6+, and Opera 7+, although best in the former two due to their support for opacity.
18: Tool Tip View demo
Tool Tip slideshow enables you move the mouse over a link and have the image of your choice plus corresponding description pop up, by using this image tooltip script. Each tooltip can have a different background color, just for aesthetics or in case the images are transparent gifs.The code detects for window edges and keeps the tooltip inside. The tooltip moving with the mousemove is an option that can be turned off by uncheck the "Follow Mouse" option.
19: Manual Click View demo
If you ever need a manual slide show script, this is the one to use. Here are some attributes of this lively DHTML slideshow script:
:Slideshow works in all NS 3+ and IE 4+ browsers (yes, that includes NS 6 as well).
:Script can be set so each image is clickable with it's own unique URL (through the toggling of a single variable) .
:All images in the slideshow are automatically preloaded on page load to ensure a smooth transition between image changes.
:Script displays in the status bar which image the user is currently viewing (image #) .
:IE 4+ users will see a special random effect applied to the show during each image slide.
Other Feature highlights
Powerful yet easy to use
Use the asp.net 2.0 wizard control to guide your operate .All you need to do is follow the wizard, click “previous” or “next” . It’s as easy asABC.
Play item can be added from portal file/portal folder/zip file, or directly using existing xml file.
Full localization support and online help support
All the settings value are self-explaining with the dnn standard help
Cross browser support.
Module is fully based DHTMl and JavaScript,Support nearly all browser including FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ NS 5+