ROBAX wrote
This one looks similar to Evotiva's Backup Script. They pull all the info out of the database as scripts rather than doing a native mssql backup. This is what lets them do it on shared hosts. Make sure that there isn't a simple way to make a backup via your hosting panel and also make sure that you can't use one that does native backups like Evotiva's Backup Native. It would be a preferable format and also lighter on the server to do it that way.
One thing I've always been unsure about with both brands is the licensing, which is per domain. How are you supposed to do an emergency restore or a test restore on another server.. you'd have to buy two licenses unless you have remote desktop or localhost access. You'd also have to have the second domain set up and ready to go.. you couldn't just use a temporary domain without getting it licensed first - with the associated delays. And if you had remote or local host access then you'd already be able to do backups easily without a script.
So far I've stuck with hosting panel or remote desktop backups, but I'm also aware that a lot of hosts just don't make it very easy to do those. My first host provided no method, then when I moved to another, I was pleasently surprised to find I could do it all in a matter of 2-3 minutes.
I'd still like to set something up that would do the backups on a schedule and manage the files automatically for me, so I might still try setting one up for that purpose.
Those have been my thoughts whenever I've looked into these modules. Thought I'd add them here.
We are the creators of BackupScript (
Regading licensing, BackupScript allows full backup & restore on "localhost" even without any license. In addition, we are pleased to provide (to licensed users) FREE temporary licenses for other domains in case of any kind of emergency where the "localhost" option is not enough. BTW, with the purchase you get an 'universal' temporary license which can be used in any domain. Thus, you can move whatever site to whatever domain without any extra license.
BackupScript has some unique features. The most important I think is that it doesn't require a running DNN instance to restore. You can restore from scratch (blank database + blank web site) withour any ISP intervention.
Please let us know if you have any question.
Best regards,