If a Module's ModuleName and FriendlyName are the same, then the Import Module File List will contain duplicate entries. I have created a Gemini entry DNNP-6888 about this minor bug. If you are interested in fixing the issue you update the core (not recommended - wait for the fix), or alter the module and friendly name so they are different.
The import still works regardless of which entry choosen, but it does add some confusion on first seeing the duplication.
The addition of a test to check if they are equal will correct this issue. In /admin/modules/Import.ascx.vb
' legacy support for files which used the FriendlyName
If objFile.Text.IndexOf("content." & CleanName(objModule.FriendlyName) & ".") <> -1 Then
cboFiles.Items.Add(New ListItem(objFile.Text.Replace("content." & CleanName(objModule.FriendlyName) & ".", ""), objFile.Text))
End If
change to ...
' legacy support for files which used the FriendlyName
If CleanName(objModule.ModuleName) <> CleanName(objModule.FriendlyName) Then
If objFile.Text.IndexOf("content." & CleanName(objModule.FriendlyName) & ".") <> -1 Then
cboFiles.Items.Add(New ListItem(objFile.Text.Replace("content." & CleanName(objModule.FriendlyName) & ".", ""), objFile.Text))
End If
End If
Hope this help - Paul.