How does the DotNetNuke hosting community deal with this situation?
Scenario: You have a customer that wants a website. You create a site that looks nice with the basic blue skin. You do some customer coding and tweaking, basic stuff but effort/time none the less. You want to give your customers the ability to take a look at some of the really nice skins from the Skinning sites on the web and also want to make a small profit/markup on the skin (alldnnskins, salaro, etc..)
….But the problem is, if you send your customers to a skinning site, they will see the very affordable prices of the very nice looking skins. Your customer will know that you are basically telling them to look at a skinning site and make a selection/purchase. How is the DotNetNuke developer supposed to make a profit/markup of a skin if the customer sees the price? All the skinning sites display their price on the skin as you preview it and also lots of links to their services. So, how do you show your customers all the really great skins out there on skinning sites? I would love it of all these skinning sites had an alternate wholesaler website with all their products/skins listed with just a basic product number (with no links back to the publicly known site. Then you could send your customer to this site (maybe this site is just based on an IP example…http://123.456.555.123/Skins ) this site could be very generic with thumbs and demos of the skins with generic text on the skin, with NO PRICES. This would give you, the developer/hoster the ability to set your prices for the skins. (Telling your customers that you send to http://123.456.555.123/Skins that any skin is just $99.99.
Your customer looks at the skins, tells you the skin and skin# they like, you go purchase it from the REAL skin store the price stated/advertised, the skinning site is happy because they just got a SALE, your happy because you just got a SALE, and your customer is happy because they were just able to look at tons of skins! And choose one they loved!
Any Ideas on this? Is there a CoBrand skinning reseller site out there? Or anyone have a skinning site with no prices in certain areas?
Yes, everyone wants to make a profit.