This has been a major problem for me. I understand and have read the forum posts on this change:
Find FCKConfig.EnterMode in fckconfig.js
and change settings eg
FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ; // p | div | br
FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'p' ; // p | div | br
This fix is NOT working for me. I did it, I cleared caches twice etc., still nothing. It neither causes the Enter Key to insert a <br> instead of <p> nor does it get rid of the vexing problem of wrapping all text in <p>text</p>, and inserting <p> </p> everywhere.
Take for example using the SpohnSoftware-FAQV2 module. When the FCKeditor is called to edit answer or question, FCK wraps that text in <p> when the enter key is not even hit. What this means is that you have two hard returns between everything and the formatting is thrown way off.
The only fix I have found is to go in to basic text mode, delete the <p> tags and the <p> </p> (which appear everywhere and affect formatting horribly). This is nearly impossible when you have a more complex text/html instance.
I think there is a communication problem. This has nothing to do with the behavior of the Enter key rather the automatic insertion of <p> around text. Does anyone have insight on this? This is really frustrating for my clients and me, and is the biggest problem I hear about from them as far as managing their DNN sites.
Will Sugg