Iam displaying an aspx page inside of an IFrame module? I want to add a target to the links to ensure that it breaks out of the frame,so that i can redirect to other page of my local dnn.
To set target and to break out of frame, i got a suggesstion to use foll code:
Response.Redirect(NavigateUrl(TabId, "ControlName", "Mid=" & ModuleId)).
in above code where to get module id of iframe module.?
control name is it that of control which causes redirection
In an another case i display an aspx page in content pane(without using any display module) on clicking a link in ContentLink module in left pane and from that aspx page i want to redirect to another page.In this case am i supposed to give content link module id?
if so where to get module id of content link.
or is there any other method to break out of frame to show redirection of page prorperly?..........pls reply.