I imported users from a PHP bulletin board system into DNN, and migrated the forums to Active Forums.
I got everything working with the aspnet_membership.password = the normal password, not encrypted and .PasswordFormat=0 and no .PasswordSalt
I never went back and encrypted everything, going to .PasswordFormat=2 and with using .PasswordSalt
Probably because I don't know how. :-) Any one know how I can get my user's passwords encrypted properly?
I'm trying to upgrade from 4.0.8 to 4.8.0, but I couldn't login to either host or admin, or old migrated users. Users who were new since the migration from PHP bulletin board do work fine.
When I get logged in as a SuperUser, I try to change the Host and Admin passwords, and get a Bad Data error, with the Event logs showing the encryption class errors...
So I'm looking for a routine, if anyone knows, I can run on my users who have PasswordFormat=0 to migrate them to the correct encryption standards.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Best Regards.