I've done a back up and restore of the current live site.
I've also done a back up and restore of the current live site's database.
I am now trying to restore the back up to my local site so I can do some modifications without affecting the live site yet.
I would like to upgrade my current 3.x site to a 4.x site, which is why I hoped to attempt it locally before attempting to do it on the live site. (Kind of weed out any problems I may encounter)
Well I have the site backed up and have changed the connection string in the Web.config to point to my local database. Gone into iis and set up the virtual path to a path of /mysite, with a physical path of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite
Set up the folder permissions for Network Service, with full control.
However when I try to start my local application by typing http://localhost/mysite/default.aspx (or http://localhost/mysite). The site is being redirected still to the live site. (or what appears to be a former path of the live site http://sitexxx.webhost4life.com/mysite
I can't determine where the redirection is occurring.
Can someone who is more knowledgeable give me some insight? Am I looking for a setting in IIS? Web.config? a file like the Global.asax?
Thanks in advance