YOu dont need to feel intimidated
The developers guide is very nic for the people that realy want to do fancy thngs with it ( th external javascript inclusion was my feature reuest )
But out of the box it has some basic skins so that you have a simple menu module horizontal or vertical hat you just need to change the css to change colros etc
to give you an idea here is just one of the cool menus i have been able to build with it
With a css menu that is used all over ( you can find bundles of examples of ow to style unordered list menus ) its much easier to debug also. YOu ahve the complete html in page, there is javascript if needed and you have all the css snd styles in your css files
If i look at ohe menus like the navsuite, or tednnmenu, both have grbage code injection in the page, javascript is used iside the page and javascript is not used to rwrit html on page ( so even withou javascript users can still navigate your page ) looks liek thednnmenu uses a lot of spab tags as well as onpage javascrpt calls to generate the mnu, thsi way you never kno exactly what you html code is for this. The style and class names look like they are auto generated and hard to edit if you dont use there template engine.
I dont even wanna talk about navsuite, its worng coded, i as brought a few of my cleint sides to its knees making it very slow, there are much easier way to have all that effect and you raly dont need skins editing etc all online, you only need clean html and css