Hi there!
I'm pretty new to this topic, so please bare with me...
I'm currently writing a module to recommend the website via sendmail. In the skin of my page I am opening an i-frame to get the user's input data for the sendMail function as well as any desired message to be added to this recommendation mail. Since the user should be able to recommend any sibbling of the main page to his/her friends, the exact url is required. So far, (almost) everything is working fine.
The question is: How do I get the page-title from the page I'd like to recommend into my Email?!
I'd have to get the page-title whenever somebody is clicking on the "recommend-button" (defined in the skin) and have it "displayed" in a hidden textfield (like the url) in the form where the users can enter the recipients and their text-message inside the i-frame.
So: How do I get the parent-page title into the i-frame (the module where the recommendation starts)?
Both, the "recommendation-form" (inside the i-frame) and the "email to be assembled" are aspx. I am transferring the data from the form via request parameters to the email.aspx.
I hope I explained the question sufficiently. Any help on the issue would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,