Templates are cool. This make the ability to transform anything you need in just anything you want ... and many coders don't even know that the most used ASP.net controls are NOT template-friendly. For example, tu DataList lsContent added in fckimagegallery.aspx.vb :
lstContent = New DataList
lstContent.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal
This break ANY innovative re-design of the image gallery, and put words to any designer : " What is this **** added in my UL LI simple design ? "
This render this :
<!-- Template Master.template.html content -->
<table id="ctl06" class="[TemplatableCSSStyle]" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
<td class="[TemplatableCSSStyle]"><!-- Template Item.template.htm content--></td>
[Five TD like this and any TR that needed]
So that's nothing to do with it, there will be a 5 TD TABLE (dude!) and you can do .. nothing. Just compile your own FCKProvider.
Please, remove this bull**** from code, there is many ways to make it REALLY templatizable ! Inspire from Inventua if you need a cool way to make templates.