I've followed the instruction for installing the AD provider (ActiveDirectory_01.00.02_Install.zip) on DNN 4.7 but seen to have missed something as DNN is not auto logging me in via AD when I launch dnn (http://myserver/Default.aspx).
Also when I go directly to the WindowsSignin.aspx page (http://myserver/DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/ActiveDirectory/WindowsSignin.aspx)
my server is redirected to the following URL (http://myserver/Home/tabid/237/logon/633379214364730388/Default.aspx)
but I still see the login control and there as been no user account created in DNN.
Any ideas on which step I did not do correctly?
The Enabled setting is checked under DotNetNuke Authentication Settings and Active Directory Settings
if I don't check the enablerd for DotNetNuke Authentication Settings I get the following error
No providers are enabled - the standard DotNetNuke Authentication provider will be used
On update setting I get a confirmation that LDAP, root domain, Global Catalog are ok, and it finds my domains.
The Auto-login IP Address is left blank
in the web.config
<add name="Authentication" type="DotNetNuke.Authentication.ActiveDirectory.HttpModules.AuthenticationModule, DotNetNuke.Authentication.ActiveDirectory" />
Many thanks