Hey Folks,
Ok, I'm betting this is a pretty simple issue for some of you. That being the case, please feel free to answer...
I'm pretty new to CSS, (been stuck in the days of tables since the 90's), and now I've been told that I need to switch to CSS for all future development. Ok, thats fine, but, man I didn't realize how much stuff had changed...
Anyway, I've been working on this skin pretty much all day, trying to change it from table based to Div\CSS based, and I've made some really good progress.
The problem that I'm running into is that, what I'm working on, the designed (not inhouse) has come up with some layouts that look really sweet in photoshop, but are giving me fits here...
So, I pose the question.
I've got a basic layout, effectively 2 columns with a footer at the bottom.
Column A is on the left and has the MenuBar, some divider graphics and the logo up top (stacked vertically) with the main content window down below.
Column B is on the right, and will have a container at the top in which I can put in image source code to have an image there. Beneath the image is the option to put additional containers (possible, not required on every page).
Since the text is of variable length, and the images could be different sizes, I need to make things float up and down. Also, the Column B image, there's a chance that the image could be designed to 'spill out' of the column, covering up part of the logo\menu bar. I'm guessing on that one, I need to use the z-axis, have it either in front of or behind the menu and logo, as instructed, with the contents of the Div starting at top right for best effect.
I'd like some verification and help on the whole floating thing, since I've the bulk of the CSS designed at this point using abosolute positioning.