Afternoon folks...
Ok, I've now been handed a site design, fully html'd and css'd, by my boss. Looks decent, and most of the content is 'containerized', so the main trick I've got is to import the existing layout into a DNN skin, then create the containers and plug in the modules I've already got built.
This 'template' I've been given has Javascript and CSS files which I need to include into the site.
I've now removed the content containers from the site and set up content panes where they will go. Added .js to the accepted files list under host settings so that those files will upload correctly.
Now, the problem I'm running into is that when I upload the skin, things go south.
I think I have figured out WHAT the problem is, but am not sure how to deal with it. It is my belief that the error which is being represented by
A critical error has occurred.
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).
Is actually being caused by the fact that the assorted CSS (and possibly JavaScript) files which I am using on this page, are not being called correctly. During the skin upload process, I have noticed alot of lines like this
Substituting: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="" href="content/css/layout.css">
With: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="" href="<%= SkinPath %>content/css/layout.css">
in the import report. I've noticed it on the images as well, but they are showing up correctly... It's my belief that the <%= SkinPath %> occuring in the page header, where you are supposed to put links to any and all CSS files (and JS files) is whats causing the problem. From some googling, you're not supposed to put <% into the page header, but DNN is the one doing this... As such, I'm not sure of how to solve this problem...
Any thoughts would be appreciated... I'm on a pretty tight deadline here and the longer I'm stalled by this problem in even loading the skin, the less time I can be working on content modules.