Sorry if this is a n00b questions, but I've only been in the DNN Arena for a few weeks now and although I've overcome some very formidable challenges, I've also been getting my butt kicked around. :-) Here are a few of my issues I'm experiencing. If anyone could help I'd be real appreciative, I'm on a tight deadline and if I can just understand a bit more, my project just might come together!
1. TOKENS! Where can I get a TOKEN listing at, what exact document?
2. SKINNING Tricks. Here is some information about how my document is setup. I have 3 skins, one for the welcome page which is divided up into many boxes, and two other skins for the internal pages, one with a sidebar and one without. At first I had the [TERMS] Token in my footer, but whenever I clicked on TERMS it seemed to always use the skin for the welcome page, not the internal page like I want it to. I read somewhere to just make a link to a terms page, which could use the internal skin, but how do I place a token on an individual page??? I'm having the same issue with the [LOGIN] token. I have the Login/Register at the top of my template, and they want to display the login box on the main skin. I'd like the login box to appear using a different skin if that is possible.
3. BLOG. Once again I loaded a blog component into one of the blocks on my main page (to show the most recent blog post), but when clicking on "READ MORE" It stays on the main page template and loads everything into the sidebar, instead of going to a dedicated blog page. Is there anyway to show a "most recent blog post" in a small content pane and have it link to a different skin or template to display the full article???
Please help DNN Community... you are my only hope. :-)
Thanks much!