I had some guy who told me they were "morally opposed to supporting any microsoft product" while explaining how the dnn structure works and as I went back and looked at his screen shots of what he wanted to achieve, taken from an Internet Explorer screen thanks very much, as well as asking him about whether he ran Outlook 2003 or 2007 (which he ran 2003) I said - "Please.. don't be a hypcrite bagging the very company who's product you use to run your business. If you ran a linux computer with all linux software, I'd give you some credit ....." (amongst other words a lady can't put on this forum) Honestly - that comment from him was stupid beyond belief and I have no time for people who talk this sort of rubbish.. that's what it is..
Anyways - it was a good laugh at the time and good for 'rolling the eyes and saying .. here we go again" and I still argue with my son who loves his linux and we will continue to it in other areas we feel it's got more functionality with, but confesses to asking his mum to setup a dnn site and forum because he wanted a website and forum in one, so that was a one up for mum!
I run both Linux and Windows boxes. We run our mail from a Linux box on our own compiled flavour of Linux, as well as Windows, and I am a humoured at times at the double standards so many people take with their stupid comments and being Windows / Microsoft haters..
And I've seen some really crappy, ugly, slow and full of errors in php sites as well. My response to those sites is not that PHP is lousy but the development of it was.
Interesting opinions from people here too. 
Nina Meiers
Lots of FREE DNN SKINS ... Really there are!