The Service Board, a non-profit, youth mentoring program combining community service and snowboarding with two locations in Seattle for the last 13 years!, is looking for guidance and assisted implementation of a new DNN website. Warning, we are an extremely fun and addictive army of cupcake wielding, Seattle do-gooder youths.
tSB is a community-based, community-run operation, so we are looking for someone with the skills and love to sink their teeth into this pro-bono work. Our current web folks can create content, populate and maintain the site but we’d like an expert to help us get the best ground work laid.
Current Website
tSB’s had a number of websites that have talked about the program, which has been great for recruiting sponsors and participants. Now we are ready to move to a website that works for the program and its participants. Showing the energy and activity level of tSB well, speaks volumes more than simply writing about it.
We aim to have a website that is content managed, largely, by the youth and volunteers in our program (what better voice to reflect the program?). We’d like to use DNN’s simple content management features, as well as incorporate widely understood applications, with their own extensive help and support pages, like Google Calendars, Gmail, Flickr, and Wordpress blogs. Adult/youth teams will be responsible for creating and managing articles and elements of the site. We’d also like to take advantage of one of the third-party DNN newsletter tools that can use these articles as the content for a semi-automated email news letter.
We aren’t a bunch of scope creeps. We have great resources for graphics, content creation and content management but need some technical expertise to help get us set up on DNN. We promise to keep the spec tight on this and work in phases – not to abuse your expertise or time.
Thanks! Check out our current site . Come and meet us!
Please contact Franklin Joyce
(206) 276-6843