I think that you, as well as Eric, have reached the wrong conclusion, with a bad methodology, based on bad information and wrong assumptions. There are many factors involved in the performance of a Web site, to name a few, concurrent hits on the site, traffic on the line going to/from the site (may be shared with many other sites), Web server performance and workload, database server performance and workload, performance of a particular module, configuration parameters of the Web server and database server, design of the site, etc. This site, the DNN site, have been having some problems related to its rapid growth, remember that this is a very high traffic site. In particular, the Forums module have had some issues, which you see as slow performance of DNN, but it is not caused by the core of DNN necessarily, it is just that the forums is what people hit the most.
Also, you cannot compare the performance of a dynamic site like DNN with a plain, static, HTML page serving. There is basically no effort on the server to send you a static HTML page. If you can manage your site with plain HTML then by all means you should do it that way. But if you need a more sophisticated site with all the functionality that DNN brings to the table then you are playing a different game in a different league.
And by the way, there is no C# version of DNN, where did you get that from??? And in any case, all the debates about the performance of C# versus VB.Net are irrelevant because both languages, as well as all the other languages supported by the .Net framework, compile to basically the same executable/binary code to be run by the Common Language Runtime or CLR, look it up. Many fanatics of classic C and C++ get this confused all the time when they talk about C#, but neither C# or VB.Net generate native Windows binaries.
Yes, there is a delay when DNN starts if it has not been hit for a long period of time, this is a characteristic intrinsic to ASP.Net, not part of the design of DNN, but this has been discussed a lot and can be easily resolved. Search for keepalive.
Also, regarding the use of Page Blaster, if you manage your own server you don't need it, you can setup compression at the IIS level and I consider that a better solution. In any case you need a good, properly configured server for things to work smoothly. I don't think the performance of DNN is something that you hear a lot of people complaining about, check your facts.
And Eric, your site is broken.