Hello, in general i am after any advice or help on any modules that may help with the following or if any current DNN modules can be used to to the following please.
Paypal, I am after a paypal payment module that will allow me to assign either user groups or users ( if possible ) to a payment due on a subscription type basis, ie user 1 $4 user 2 $7 and user 3 $9 for example, , I know that you could use the private grous for this but from what i understand they can not see this information or when its due so that really does not do the trick ( and would be the best option if it worked ) so i need another solution,
Feeds, I am after a module that will allow me to capture a feed in pretty well the same way as feed burner allows me to catch the feed, where it allows me to nominate the number of feeds to display, the lenghth ( number of words ) and if i want plain text or html type feed.
I am sure those are coverd by some feed modules but i also want the ability as in feedburner to take the code from that feed so i can pass it into my banner rotation as script.
If you can help or have any tips it would be appreciated