Flash Media Gallery 3.1 for Dnn Buy it
1. Introduction
This module is mainly based on Flash Media Gallery v2.0 component(http://flashnifties.com/media_gallery.php). It utilizes the Flash Media Gallery v2.0 component advantages to let you to quickly create a multi-category gallery and display images, videos, text and swf files along with music. The gallery will automatically scan a specified folder, picking up all the relevant files and build the navigation for you. With over 100 settings, you can make the gallery a unique expression of your own personal tastes.

It supports media files like:
1: Image (jpg,jpeg,png)
2: Flash video (flv)
3: Mp3 music (mp3)
4: Flash movie (swf)
5: Text/html(txt,html,htm).
Besides local media files, module also allows you play external media items or
create external links. In “External Media" section, create an xml document anywhere within your directory structure will let you insert external media item into gallery.
Visit http://www.dnnmodules.cn/tabid/13163/Default.aspx to see live demo,please be patience for the network connection.
2. Module Featues
2.1. Unlimited Levels of Categories/Sub-categories
There is no limit to the number of categories, or levels of sub-categories.
2.2 Video, images, music ,flash & more
Display galleries of images, videos, text pages, flash movies and play music all with one flash. Besides local media files, module also allows you add external media items or create external links.
2.3 Fully Customizable
Every color, font, width, height, transparency, is controlled by a “flash settings” section.
2.4 Generate gallery on the fly
There are two ways to save gallery configurations.The default is “Dynamic Generate”,which means whenever your media file(or directory) is changed,it will automatic refresh in the flash.It makes things more easy because all you need to do is select a root media folder , and then maintain folder structure and files through other tools(like ftp software), gallery will automatic changed.
If your media files changed infrequency,there is another option “Save To Disk“ ,it retireves gallery more fast but it needs you manually click “Finish” button to refresh if media is changed.