Hello dear DDN fellows,
I am still in the middle of my DDN discoveries and I have a little question re. avatar and attachment uploading in the forum module.
I have carefully read
Crispy's documentation, and i have followed all the instructions, yet some problems still occur :(
Whenever, as a user or an admin I want to add an avatar to a profile, the avatar is uploaded, I can see it in the upload confirmation screen. When I go back to the profile's administration, I do see the uploaded file's name in the "avatar" field, but as soon as I hit the "update" button to save the profile, I am redirected to the forum and the avatar change hasn't been made.
I realised that I have the same issue whenever I try to attach a document to a post. I see that the file has been uploaded, I save my changes, but whenever my post is published, nothing shows up.
I use gallery
.gif="" align="absmiddle" border="0">online.net/Portal/LinkClick.aspx?link=Files%2fGallery_03.00.11_Install.zip&tabid=62&mid=404" target="_self">3.01.11 from a n g e lonline.net (I'm adding spaces so the URL doesn't get parsed as a smiley) on a 4.0.2 DDN, SQL Server 2000 database.
Can anyone help ?
Thanks in advance for all the help you can provide !
PS. Bonus question : can I add a name my users ranks ? Say that a given user has reached the 500 posts quota, I'll call him a "silver member" for example.