I have a classic ASP page that I need to display a DNN Event calendar in an IFRAME. I was able to get the calendar on the classic asp page by inserting anchor tags in the header and footer of the event calendar DNN module settings.
<a name="starthere> in the header
</a> in the footer setting
Then in the classic asp page using
<iframe id="Calendar" name="Calendar"
Now I am trying to pass up from the dnn calendar page the size of the module to set the size of the IFRAME in javascript.
I tried wrapping the dnn calendar module in a div tag named dnncalendar and using document.getElementById('dnncalendar').offsetHeight but this give me error document.getElementById("dnncalendar") has no properties on the DNN page in Firefox and "object required" in IE.
I was able to get the entire page height by using document.height in Firefox but in IE it returns 'undefined'
Any help much appreciated in advance!