Michael Washington wrote
The Survey module doesn't use .dll's anymore. All the source code is in the directory with the .ascx controls. When you reinstalled you should have had to set up everything from scratch, right?
This would rule out a "corrupted data" issue. The last thing I can think of is cookies. What could be happening is that since you moved the server the cookies don't match up anymore. The cookies are used to determine if a user has voted before.
The cookie is based on the module ID so if you put a new instance (do not simply move the current one) of the Survey on a different page it will have a new module ID and a different cookie.
Hmm... When I uninstalled, should I browse to the server and delete and folders or files associated with the survey module? Is it possible there is something out there that is hanging and not fully "uninstalling"? To uninstall, and install, I was on the Module Definitions page logged in as a superuser..... it shouldn't matter if I was a superUser and NOT the "host" would it?
There are new surveys each week. I could understand if I was bringing over surveys, but they are new each Wednesday (deleted and create new ones). If I uninstall the module, are there any stored procedures or tables in the database that have records that could possibly be affecting this?
Sorry for all the questions, but you can see I'm rather puzzled by this. This has never been an issue until I transferred to a new hosting provider.....one that is verified to work with DNN.
Also, I'm getting the error with both survey settings (1 vote per registered user & vote tracking via cookie). Thanks again for your help!