Hello Crispy!
Thank you for taking the time to look at this problem!
> Database Server Time
Can not do anything about it
>Web Server Time
Can not do anything about it
>Time set in Site Settings
Set to GMT +01:00
>Time set in Forum Administration -> General Settings
Set to GMT +01:00
>Per User Timezones enabled in Forum Administration -> General Settings
is enabled
>The individual user settings of timezone in their profile
hmm – my user may not choose the timezone, even if the "Per User Timezones" is enabled under General Settings !?
>To add, you guys should see this working here on DotNetNuke.com and can verify changes by changing the timezone set in your profile. Remember, on here is 3.20.01 that was released.
I do not have access to change the timezone setting in my user's settings! Do you understand why?