1. Gallery Title (config) is not required. If you dont enter this and then use subalbums, the breadcrumbs has no way to get back to the mail album (from the issue in my other thread).
2. Called Gallery Title in config but called Name in maintenance.
3. If I turn off all sort options, sort drop list still shows .. nice enhancement would be to hide it.
4. I turn off voting, stars still show in view mode.
5. I only have Name set in Display Info (config) yet the file name and size still show.
6. Sub-albums get a url hyperlink and then the name below it. That seems duplicated.
And my only other suggestion..... is to have two roles .. one for config options and one for maintenance.
1 I think Gallery Name should be editable in Maintenance .. and not even part of Config.
2 The Sub-albums should be in the menu but a submenu. If you have 5 or 6 .. the menu could be too long. I'd like to see Albums listed in the menu and then flyout with the subalbums.. and a way back to the main album there too.
3. question: What is this in Maintenance?
the first three are checked .. there is nothing in the fourth column but there is an un-checked checkbox.