To answer your questions
"when the form is first displayed .. the URL is selected by default? right"
-- Yes
so, you're saying, that if you click on File to change to file upload mode, that you can then not click on URL to switch back to URL mode?
-- No, what is happen is that when I click on for "File" mode, the entire page refreshes and the "URL" mode is still selected -- basically I cannot select "File" mode
this happening when you upload a new item? or only when you are editing an item that has been previously uploaded?
- Both. Interesting enough, even if I uploaded a file and have that selected, when I try to edit the item again it still selects the "URL" mode
. If you are editing an item, are you now editing an item that you previously uploaded with 3.01.13?
- for editing yes, however it the same behavior happens for creating a new item.
Let me know if I can provide more info or do any debugging.