Hi, i have a problem. I need to setup a site that has "subsites", and each subsite has it own administrator, a no one can edit the other site, and a "megauser" has admin rpivileges on all sites (me). I dont think this can be done with simple user permissions, for the moment i dont know how to set the permissions of an user to administrate a part of the site (one subsite) and deny the access to the other subsites (to edit them).
My actual solution is to make various instllations of DNN on the same server and give the permissions to the admins of each installation to diferent people.
I got the first installation running, but got some trouble with the second. I want to use the same database to all the DNN installations, so i've setted the "objectQualifier" tag in web.config file to the name of the new site "calculo1_" and i spected that the installation make the tables of the site like "calculo1_tablename", but when i run the installer i get: The stored procedure 'dbo.calculo1_GetPortalAliasByPortalID' doesn't exist.
The documentation says that the value of "objectQualifier" is wrong, but i dont understand if i want to make all table names like "objectQualifier_tableaName" and i spect this happen when the installation runs its obvious that the stored procedure doesnt exist, i want to create all the stuff.
Sure i am missunderstanding something. HELP!!!!
Pablo Pazos