I'm a 'professional' / serious DNN user and have a suggestion to improve the core modules. I know open source is based on the generosity of kind programmers that volunteer their expertise. However, they all have bills to pay and I wonder if a little compensation may help the core modules move along faster?
Here's the idea: Allow serious DNN users interested in specific modules to sponsor those modules with an annual fee.
The module sponsors would receive the following benefits:
(1) Priority support via a private forum/email
(2) Bug fix patches released to benefactors before official releases. For example, the last document module (v4.0?) was released with a sorting problem that has not been fixed in a LONG time. Maybe the patch could be released to benefactors right away as a 4.0.0a unofficial release or patch file.
(3) Future feature input. Allow the benefactors to have priority input into future releases and to vote on new features. Have them drive product development to some degree.
Here's the most controversial part: Give the annual fee to the module core team as compensation. Each team can decide how to dole out the cash, but allow them to get paid something for the work. For example, if you got 100 benefactors for the Documents module at $50 each, the core team could split $5,000. Not going to make anyone rich, but it gives some increased incentive.
Each module could set it's own price with the less popular ones like AD provider charging more since they have a more limited user base but the value is high to those users.
The quick fix patches are the biggest deal to me personally. I worry about getting stuck with an error and waiting for months to get a fix.
Thanks for reading.