ok, so i've changed things a bit. I went back to square 1 ..
<dnn:SOLPARTMENU runat="server" id="dnnSOLPARTMENU" ControlOrientation="Vertical" ControlAlignment="Left" IndicateChildren="False" RootMenuItemCssClass="MainMenu_RootMenuItem" />
In my style ..
.MainMenu_RootMenuItem {
font-family: Century Gothic;
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #b2b3b6;
.MainMenu_MenuItem {
font-family: Century Gothic;
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #b2b3b6;
see screen shot below, this is frustrating :( i need to get the Advertising, Creative Design, etc links to the right to be a smaller font, and keep the main menu (full spectrum pr, our services, etc) font the same size. When i change the font size on the .MainMenu_MenuItem entry, the font size changes on the root menu as well.
I'm losing my mind 
tips appreciated, if anyone can help a noob out :)