Ignore this, it's wrong. I was modifying the code and was referring to my modified version.
You can, however change the code fairly easily to make comments show by default.
In repository.ascx.vb Look for:
If b_CanComment Or (CType(Settings("viewcomments"), String) = "1") Then
Dim objText As String = Localization.GetString("Comments", LocalResourceFile)
Dim objLinkButton As New LinkButton
objLinkButton.ID = "hypComments"
objLinkButton.Text = objText & " (" & objRepository.CommentCount.ToString() & ")"
objLinkButton.CommandName = "ShowComments"
objLinkButton.CommandArgument = objRepository.ItemId.ToString()
objLinkButton.ToolTip = Localization.GetString("ClickToViewAddComments", LocalResourceFile)
objLinkButton.Enableview_state = True
End If
Replace with something like:
Dim repositoryComments As New RepositoryCommentController
Dim objDataGrid As DataGrid
objCommentsPanel.Visible = True
objDataGrid = CType(objCommentsPanel.Controls().Item(3), DataGrid)
objDataGrid.DataSource = repositoryComments.GetRepositoryComments(objRepository.ItemId, ModuleId)