Fascinatingly enough, the first time our users authenticate, the address, phone and email fields are populated. Never refreshed, though I believe, and the last login date in the DNN table is permanently on that initial login timestamp as well. The time zone is not set correctly for the new user either, it does not refer to the site setting. It may be the way our AD guys have it set up. I can tell you that I never get the LDAP check to go green, whatever that means, but the other tests pass. I am using the Delegation setting and we may still be in a mixed auth mode on our network.
I've upgraded to 3.2.2 and now I longer I seem to have group role synchronization which had worked with Tam's module.
I'm also struggling to find a fully replicatable sequence for the "can't log out" problem, which happens here, too.
One of the other fun side effects is that using the AD module breaks DNN's RSS. Since the site really needs internal modules to feed other pages, we are using the Repository Dashboards and similar features of other modules (master calendar from).
I am wishing this team would post issues to their Gemini project so we would know they were aware of them. I realize they're volunteers and they'll look at bugs as they can. I really appreciate just having the functionality that we do have. It would be good to know that they know, though.
Thanks for posting, let us know how it is going at your site,