So first off, I'm not a designer by any means. I know CSS enough to get through my programming projects, can even pull together some "ok" designs with it, but when it comes to really complex stuff I just haven't the foggiest idea how to accomplish it. I have a screenshot of something I'd like to accomplish, but not really sure how to put it into a workable skin format. I *have* created more basic skins before using table layouts, but this is a little beyond what a table layout could accomplish. You can view the screeny by clicking here.
I do have this in a PhotoShop format so I have each of the elements as a separate layer and can easily pull them out. I have already broken the scrapbook page top, center, and bottom into separate images that splice together nicely so they can grow with the content. Now the hard part is just knowing how the heck to organize this all in HTML/CSS and actually be able to use this.
I'd like to be able to do this myself so I can replicate the feat in the future, so if somebody wants to give good advice on how to do this with the DIVs, positioning, etc, that'd be great. As an aside, I have already made a minor attempt with multiple nested divs and different positioning but can only get "so far". I had understood (apparently misunderstood?) that using absolute positioning was absolute relative to the container. So if I had a div within a div, it should position absolute within those constraints. Not seeming to work that way though unless I (very likely) am doing it wrong.
Should I not get some good help or advice on how to accomplish this, then the next step would be to see how much somebody would charge me to pull it off. Can email at my website.
Thanks in advance for any help rendered.