I am now using DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail instead of SendTokenizedBulkEmai.
My part of the code is look like this.
For Each OurUserInfo As UserInfo In objUsers
strTempTo = OurUserInfo.Membership.Email
DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail("admin@ourmsshow.com", strTempTo, "", p_strSubject, p_strBody, "", DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mailformat.Html, "", "", "", "")
////////// This methos is called from a custom scheduler.
Email is going out now. But if the recipent adress is ourmsshow.com (say r_mohsin@yahoo.com) then email is not actually going out.
Do i need to change any smtp or dnn configuration? If any then which one?