This is strange and funny at the same time.
Short story, the site I'm developing is here:
go to that page, and click "more info" on the business listing just below the beutiful picture of my face.
Viola, no more menu bar above.
The listing is made with Xmod, but I seem to vaugly recall this behavior with annother attempt to make a skin by me.
If ya wanna see the source code let me know and I'll post it..basically I have the menu wrapped in a cell of a row of a table, which is wrapped in a table :->.
Anyhow if you don' know what I did, check it out and get a kick from it before it's solved HA....ugg.
Something is happening in the address bar too, looks as if the query string got stripped now that I look at it more. Maybe it is something I configured in Xmod. I'll keep the forum updated if I come up with anything.
Thanks again!