That is the new DotNetNuke 5.0 skin in all its glory. :) It is sooo beautiful, don't you think?
I really hope that Joe is right about there being a lot of stuff happening in the background. We were looking over release dates yesterday and in over a year, DotNetNuke has gone from version 4.3.x to version 4.8.x. Apart from lots and lots and lots of bug fixes, I can't think of a major feature that has been added in the past year. And, when you've played with the 5.0 betas, it is really hard to get excited about a new skin, "Deny" permissions, and "a whole lot of behind the scene changes."
Have any of you compared DotNetNuke to Joomla (community target product) or Alfresco (enterprise targeted product)? DotNetNuke is clearly much more flexible than either of them, but its loosing mindshare. A year ago, DotNetNuke was perceived as a vibrant, cutting edge technology. I'm not sure that's the case anymore. In the past year, Alfresco has become a serious enterprise player with a large number of large scale, corporate accounts under their belt. In the past year, Joomla as made major strides toward a full community-based web application. Even though the DotNetNuke application is right in the middle between community and enterprise, I think that DotNetNuke Corporation is going to seriously need to change something major in order to stay a competitive product.
A business mentor once told me "Grow or die." DotNetNuke needs to start growing again. A lot of people have a lot more on the line than the members of the Corp do.