Here in the Netherlands, customers prefer to pay trough their own bank account instead using a credit card of Paypal.
So I made a work around for this problem.
This way customers can choose to pay either with:
- Paypal
- trough their own bank account.
You have to change some things on several places.
step 1. When customers do the checkout.
In the checkout screen I have removed the paypal logo.
Customers see my own logo now.
How to do?
read this post
I changed the message of the logo in languages->desktop modules->Store->App_LocalResources->paypal provider->paypalpayment->paypalimage.Text
You can make your own message here.
step 2
I changed the message at the bottom of the checkout screen into something like (whatever you like yourself)..
You can change this message in languages->desktopmodules->Store->App_LocalResources->paypal provider->paypalpayment-> lblConfirmMessage.Text
Click the button below to confirm your order.
If you have clicked this button you will see a new screen.
There you can make a choice to pay either with Paypal or through your own bank account.
If you click this button then.....(the rest of the standard story!!)
step 3
Make a new page.
Place in this page a text module
Set a message into this text module that the customer gets a e-mail with a message how to pay.
( or what ever you like to tel the customer)
Make sure the page is hidden in the site menu
step 4
When customers click the confirm button they are transfered to a new page.
I changed the standard message in:
languages->desktopmodules->Store->App_LocalResources->paypal provider->paypalpayment->lblOrderNumber.Text
to something like this
Message telling the customer to click on a link to pay with their own bank account.
You can make this link with html code
LINK (place this link with the url address of the page made in step 3 into the text of the lblOrderNumber.Text)
The layout of this message is like below.
message telling customer to click link to pay with bank account
message telling customer to go further with paypal
goto paypal button
step 5
At this stage you have made an escape in the program flow to let customers pay other then a paypal account.
No harm is done to the logical flow of the program.
When a customer like to pay with paypal then everything works ok.
There must be done 1 final step
The customer must know your bank account to pay.
There fore you must change the message in languages->desktopmodules->Store->App_LocalResources->CustomerOrders.ascx.resx->RequiresPayment.Text
Here you can append your bank account and what the customer has to do do pay you
when a customer makes an order and want to pay with his own bank account:
- the customer click the link (made in step 4) in the confirm screen.
- the customer is transfered to the page you made in step 3 and reads the message you will send him an email with payment details.
- You get an email of an placed order.
- You go to store-admin page and go to the order details of the customer.
- click on details
- change the order status to "awaiting payment".
- The customer gets an email how to pay you
It are a lot of changes and it works !!!