I am creating a module which has a charting control imbeded within it. The charting control is from ComponentArt. This control renders a chart as an image and writes it to disk, sending back a URL to the browser. The controls has a property for the output directory which works fine, I can place the image anywhere on my server I want. The problem I have is that DNN, through Friendly URL rewriting, inserts it's /Profile/tabid/54 information in the URL causing issues with the browser finding the image on the server. Here are some examples:
Control output directory: Charts
File Located on web server: /DesktopModules/Portfolio/Charts/
URL sent to browser: /Profile/tabid/54/PID/7/Charts
Control output directory: ../../Charts
File Located on web server: /Charts/
URL sent to browser: /Profile/tabid/54/Charts
Control output directory: ../../Portals/0/Charts
File Located on web server: /Portals/0/Charts/
URL sent to browser: /Profile/tabid/54/Portals/0/Charts
I would have thought this last attempt would correct the issue. I read the document about Frieldly URLs and how DNN rewrites the URL once it comes in, replacing the /Profile/tabid/54 with url parameters, leaving just the /Portals/0/Charts. If I modify the URL myself in the browser I can load the image just fine.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Do I need to write my own entry in SiteURLs for the Friendly URL rewriting? Does URL rewriting only apply to outbound URLs? Is there a way from within my module to tell DNN not to rewrite the URL or possibly set an alternate root so the /Profile/tabid/54 is not written?
Please help, if you have an answer GREAT! If not but you have an idea, please just point me in the right direction. Thank you very much for reading this post!