Hi David,
it's funny, this is the modify that I first made to my test environment to meet your requirements! I then opted for the other one because it was more simple and less invasive. Anyway, good job David. Just to clarify, I post below my original solution:
<asp:TableRow Runat="server" ID="trHeader">
<asp:TableCell Runat="server" ID="tdHeaderIcon" Width="10">
<asp:HyperLink Runat="server" ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/Blog/Images/folder_item.gif" ID="lnkBlogIcon" Font-Bold="True"></asp:HyperLink>
<asp:TableCell Runat="server" ID="tdHeaderLink">
<asp:HyperLink cssclass="CommandButton" id="lnkBlog" runat="server" ResourceKey="lnkBlog">
View All Recent Entries
<asp:TableCell Runat="server" ID="tdHeaderImage">
<asp:HyperLink ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/Blog/Images/feed-icon-12x12.gif" Runat="server" ID="lnkBlogAggregatedRSS" target="_blank" NavigateUrl="http://localhost/testdnn/Blogs/tabid/54/rssid/0/Default.aspx"></asp:HyperLink>
It's nice to know that out there people agree with you, isn't it?
Anyway, regarding an inclusion in the next release: this is not planned in 03.05.00, so you will need to update the ascx file again after the installation. But an aggregated feed has been required often, so maybe this will become matter of discussion in the team soon.
Best regards,
Dario Rossa