I am trying to install DotNetNuke_X.Y.Z_StarterKit.vsi without much luck. During install I kept track, as a DNN newbie, of where the process can be improved. Please forward this to whom ever can use it. I will address my specific install failure in another post.
Using Windows XP SP3 with VS2008 with all latest updates...
Following the instructions in "DotNetNuke Installation Guide.pdf" in the documents download to install "DotNetNuke_X.Y.Z_StarterKit.vsi"
"Update to ASP.net 3.5"
I got the standard message when you open an asp.net 2.x web site in VS08 ASP.NET 3.5, do you want to update the web to 3.5? I indicated yes. This is not addressed in the manual and should be.
"you simpy need to press Ctrl-F5 (ie. hold the Ctrl key down while clicking on the F5 function key) in order to complete your installation."
If you are going to the trouble to explain what Ctrl-F5 is, you should also note the menu option Debug, Start Without Debugging. For some reason, Ctrl-F5 has never worked in VS 08 in my install.
"Checking File Premissions"
after test permissions fails
"Using Windows Explorer, browse to the root folder of the website ( C:\DotNetNuke by default ). Right-click the folder and select Sharing and Security from the popup menu ( please note that if you are using Windows XP you may need to Enable Simple File Sharing before these options are displayed ). Select the Security tab. Add the appropriate User Account and set the Permissions."
The underlined link is broken
The bold word Enable is incorrect, you need to DISABLE simple file sharing to get the security tab.
Finally, far more step by step information is needed on how to change controls for ASPNET.
"Configure Database Connection"
for server name..."Enter the Name or IP Address of the computer where the Database is located. (if using Oracle enter the Data Source (SID))"
This is an incorrect definition of a server name. A server name is the computer name\sql instance.
I presume DNN would install SQL 2005 express if not present. However, if a computer has outlook 07 (or any version) with Business Contact Manager (i.e. BCM) on that same computer, then it has been partially installed with an instance used by Outlook 07 BCM. DNN installation assumes that SQLExpress is a usable instance, which would only be true if DNN did a fresh install. Otherwise, you must download SQLEXPR32.EXE and run it to install a new instance, such as DNNSQLExpress and download SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi to attach a database to it.
The information provided does not even begin to explain what needs to be done to create a new instance or attach a database.
Additionally, most people when starting with DNN could care less about SQL, so when this fails and stops any further install, it is very frustrating. Maybe an option to skip it for now and then and explaination of how to come back to it might be a good idea.
"Run Database Installation Scripts"
It just sat on this page for a hour, with the progress bar repeating itself. I exited and tried again with a new website name.
" 'Invalid value for key 'attachdbfilename'."
On the 2nd try, when I tested connection, I got a full page error of above.