* I'm a newbie, so I sincerly apologize if I'm not using this forum correctly.
[The Situation]
I am the sole web programer for a small city. So far I've only used Dreamwever and ASP.
An advertising firm was hired to design the 'Look' and navigation scheme for a completely new site.
While waiting on the design, I decided DNN was what I wanted to use to build the backend.
Just drop in calenders, notices, blogs, etc! (With DNN, it was love at first sight)
However the 'powers that be' have picked a design with a VERY complex navigation/layout.
Now I'm not sure I can use DNN 4.9; I'm at my wits end, and starting to panic. (fear for my job)
The site will be all CSS (no tables) with hundreds of pages of content grouped by 40+ departments and topics.
The front page has 4 columns of (accordion) navigation that lead directly to the most sought after (popular) stuff.
These may lead to a Department page or Content page (see below). Side note: The header has a link to a list of all departments.
I would have to maunally maintain these 'predigested' (guide them right to the featured content) menus.
Each Department (Police, Water, Parks, ect) would have an (entry) page with their own '4 columns (topics)' of (accordion) navigation.
(somehow this page is supposed to have a way to 'pull-down / view' the original Home Page navigation)
A representatives from each department would maintain (add/delete/edit) their departments content.
Items on their menus should show up automatically as they add/delete Content pages.
Here the departments 4 columns of navigation would become 1 accordion (on the left) with some actual content on the right.
(and yes, these page would also have a way to 'pull-down / view' the original Home Page navigation)
Is this even do-able with DNN? (I really hope so)
Do I need some 'special' (multiple-accordion) navigation module?
Should every 'department' be a (child?) portal?
Any clues at all?
I thank you for any help,