DavidToohey wrote
Hi Matthias
A little surprised, and shocked that you are now saying these are the only known bugs.
I've mentioned it numerous times here, as have others and it just seems moderators are blissfully unaware, and choose to remain unaware of the issues many of us are having.
Forum notifications simply aren't working properly, subscribing to a thread can lock up on the ability to start threads (hope that's a known issue)... but as for general users they'd be lucky to see notifications at all. I've not had them from DNN for a long time now! (near a year or so).
Here are some of the relevant forum posts to help your memory:
I spent weeks trying to sort it before you said it was a known bug. And that was back in March this year (I was away the 3 months prior to this).
I, and others can appreciate the work involved... but a lot of us have been waiting over half a year to see a bug fix in the module. Bit of a worry if now we're being told it's not a known issue.
on http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/7/threadid/214256/scope/posts/Default.aspx
I can't see that any is relatedto the forum module, looks like a other issue! Also all PrimayKey issues are not from the Forum Module. But on the starting of the thread I can see the Forum 04.03.00 was not error free installed or was not installed! This could happend on missing permissions to teh physical folders or wrong IIS settings! The other issues will make me more sure that this is happend there.
The e-Mail task table of the forum must be empty if you didn't not have this 2 tasks in the schedule:
DotNetNuke.Modules.Forum.StartEmailQueuedTasks, DotNetNuke.Modules.Forum
DotNetNuke.Modules.Forum.CleanupEmailQueuedTasks, DotNetNuke.Modules.Forum
This Tasks starting and cleaning the E-Mail notifications. If you installed the Forum Module with a error it can seam this tasks are not i the Schedule. Also you have manual enable this 2 Tasks! If I understand you right on that thread you run in notifcation problems with oter modules too, this looks like a problem with the SMTP settings or your DNN install.
In this post I have aswered that the subscription on Thread/Post side have a known bug, thats the same I post in this thead. It is fixed in the next version. But it is not availible as a seperate fix. It was included in the 4.4.4 version but it failed the release progress.
Same issue as below.
Same as bellow.
The Question when it will be released I cant aswered to you. This only you can get from the Team Lead.
All Links you showed up, are about the thread or post notification, this bug is complete fixed, but can only give outwith the new version. A new version can only submitted to the relese progess if it is stable and secure. DNN have any QA prgogress for releases, which is a minimum that the module must passed.
The Forum module is the bigest DNN Project and have many of code, so it needs time to bring a new versio on the road. The new version is not only a bug fix, it included many Enhancemands an code change.
If you have generall probem with notification feel free to post here, but on this one I can't help you. I use the Notefication forum behavior to send notification to my users. This is working. Also the Moderator Notification is working. The issue is only on the Post/Thread notefication, and a soution s done, but come first out with the next release. I didn't want to discuss why I give not a release date, about I can't give it.