i have a big problem:
i tested my site www.nautorswan.com/ with firefox disabling cookies and when i clicked on CS42, CS45 these are not loaded!
what can be?
i saw that links are different (why?) example:
cs42 is http://www.nautorswan.com/Default.aspx?TabId=239&boatId=20
75 is http://www.nautorswan.com/TestPage2/tabid/239/boatId/6/Default.aspx
tabid and boatid params are situated differently but the code behind that set the link is
Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(objTabInfo.TabID, "", "boatId=" + Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Trim()));
and it is used for every links in the same way!
i taked a look to SiteUrlConfig and nothing seems to have with this....
so ...where's my problem?