Hello to everyone,
I've been building websites for about twelve years and received my Bachelor of Information Technology about 10 years ago. I’ve used just about every language I can think of in that time, including some more staunch languages such as c++ and Java for some stand alone applications, and the list goes on. Predominately I’ve worked with ASP and now ASP.NET for web applications but at the end of the day they are all the same, just different development environments.
So my question is where does DoyNetNuke fit in?
It seems now that every one of my clients wants to be able to update their own information. I have done this for many sites along with full Flash sites driven by both database and XML, they are customable for the most part, but some things need to be changed by a web developer. In this case my thinking is get them to buy flash, Dreamweaver and so on and let them do it themselves, it’s not hard once the infrastructure is there, just a simple bit of teaching and away they go! I have done this and they love it.
To tell you the truth, it would be just as easy to teach someone to use Dreamweaver as it would to teach them to use a DotNetNuke site! Then they would also have full flexibility.
Maybe I am missing something and I hope I didn’t tread on anyone’s toes but I don’t get it and I have to keep explaining to clients that if they want something that is completely theirs and not rigid, let the web developer handle it.