Thank you for your prompt reply. I was looking for an example of how to properly set up a string for EditUrl, to then be placed in the NavigateUrl property, etc. Wrong think totally but yep, could have asked that better.
A friend who does regular .Net work happens to be my roommie and helped me out. Here's my code with questions I've also emailed to a couple other DNN buddies:
Private Sub lstLinks_ItemDataBound( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs) _
Handles lstLinks.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
Dim h1 As HyperLink = e.Item.FindControl("editlink")
Dim strh1 As String = h1.NavigateUrl.ToString
Dim oModuleBase As New PortalModuleBase
'h1.Target = "_blank" 'This will open a page in a new browser
h1.NavigateUrl = oModuleBase.EditUrl()ß This directs me to a home page, no modules.
h1.NavigateUrl = oModuleBase.EditUrl("Edit") ß I don’t but should see my edit control or an error
h1.NavigateUrl = oModuleBase.EditUrl("","", "Edit")ß same here.
End If
Here is the Url I’m getting for all 3: http://localhost/linkmanager/Home/tabid/36/ctl/Edit/mid/-1/Default.aspx
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
OK, with the correct control key (“Edit”) I should get the Edit page, right? I get a clean white basic DNN home page. So, I tried different overloads and … got a clean white DNN home page. The method call with no parameters should direct me back to the same page.
I should be on to the edit control and working with it right now and later the Settings. What am I missing?
To be more exact: The View works fine. I have my definitions set up OK. So, my Edit and Settings keys are correct. Well, when I specify ("Edit") I should at least get an error that the topiclinksedit.ascx won't load or ideally, the page. I'm not.
I'm not seeing something basic here ... :)
Thanks in advance.