I'm at a loss, I've deleted the website 8 times now, and wiped out the tables, procs and functions everytime. Think I narrowed it down to if I delete the Install and Providers folder I can start a new install without wiping out whole site.
Anyway, if I do the Automated Wizard install it gets to the last step with a textbox and updates and says "undefined...success" and does this forever, I literaly waited 25minutes.
So gave up on that.
Then I try the manual install install.aspx?mode=install...
It runs down the page all green sucess, click on the link and then it sends me back to domain/install folder which then of course gives me directory browsng not allowed. If I go back to the install.aspx it shows up blank. InstallWizard just sends me back to default which then sends me back to domain/install folder again.
If I go into the PortalAlias table and change domain/install to domain then I get a redirect loop error in FF.
At a loss, not sure how many times I have to try and install to get it working. Any thoughts? I'm searching on these forums with no look so far.