Hi Guys,
I have a custom caching helper which caches like
Public Shared Sub InsertItem(ByVal label As String, ByVal key As String, ByVal newObject As Object)
CachingProvider.Instance().Add((label & "|") + key, newObject, Nothing, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, Nothing)
End Sub
Since I am dealing with a lot of custom objects, which takes a while to create the objects. I also update the cache in a thread that runs every 10 minutes. Everything seems fine, except when I Enable Cache Persistence, my whole site is slower.
For instance a Multiview takes around 3 seconds to swap Views...
I am using 04.08.04 of DNN.
My settings for the Cache is
Compression makes no difference either.
I haven't gone down the PageBlaster path, I might, but I'd rather figure out why this is so slow. In the example above, does it keep everything in memory and page out the cache?
aside: The forum search by author seems broken...