I am woking on a Skin and want to have 2 levels of Menus on the page. I am currently using the Links object because I don't want drop down menus and the HTML is a lot cleaner. For the most part, the site will be 2 levels deep, but occasionally it will vary. Across the top of the page I always want the "Root" level of the menu for the main sections. Down the left, I always want the immediate Children of the root level. Right now the only way I can think to accomplish this is to have 3 different Skins that define the second menu using the appropriate level (root, same, child, parent) and manually set each page to use the appropriate Skin. Is there a way to set a "Level1" hardcoded level, similar to the "Root" option? Does anyone know of existing 3rd party menus that could do this (Free or Cheap is preferred since I'm doing this for a Non-Profit, but not manditory if it works), or point me in the right direction for creating my own?
Here is a sample of my Hierarcy and the Menus that should be displayed on each Page.
- Home
- Calendar
- About Us
- Special Interest Groups
Home and Calendar should only display the Root Level since they don't have any pages under them.
On About Us, Leadership, Membership and Becoming A Member, the exact same menu should be displayed. (Leadership and Membership)
One Special Interest Groups, Location 1 and Location 2 the exact same menu should be dispalyed. (Location 1 and Location 2)
My current problem is that if a second level is empty, the control bumps up and uses the current level as opposed to leaving it blank. The second issue is that I would like Membership and Becoming a Member to use the same skin, but I currently have to switch the "Level" in the links control so it's not behaving nicely.
I really hope I'm overlooking something simple, but if not, I can look at coding a new menu control as well.