Thanks for all the work on the new Events module. I like the new options for the RSS feed.
I'd really _love_ the following enhancements or variations there-of, as I want to use the RSS feed to embed an event list in on another website. These changes would give great flexibility in custom XSLT transform of the feed.
1. Remove the Event Date/Time from the <title> (or make it optional)
2. If Event Date/Time is in the title, don't show time for All Day events (currently shows 12:00 AM in feed title)
3. Add a custom tag for Event Day/Time and Date added/modified
Title format options:
-Exclude Time:
<title>Test Event 1</title>
-Include Time:
<title>Test Event 1 - 1/28/2009 (All Day)</title>
<title>Test Event 1 - 1/31/2009 1:00 PM</title>
Feed sample with additional custom tags:
<title>Test Event 1</title>
<description>Importance:Normal<br /><p>All about this event</p></description>
<pubDate>Wed, 28 Jan 2009 06:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <!-- Shown using current option of 'Event Date' -->
<dc:creator>SuperUser Account</dc:creator>
<dc:createDate>Mon, 26 Jan 2009 05:23:07 GMT</dc:createDate>
<dc:eventDate>Wed, 28 Jan 2009 06:00:00 GMT</dc:eventDate> <!--maybe dont' need this, but worth considering -->
Thanks for the consideration!